5,000 seats | 2nd tour
1898 Jul 16 The Kansas City Times
Transcribed &
Published at DVHH.org 5 May 2007 by Jody McKim
Knaben-Kapelle Begins an Engagement at Fairmont Sunday.
An event looked forward to with great interest is the engagement of Kaiser Franz Josef's celebrated Knaben-Kapelle, or boys' military band, at Fairmount park every afternoon and evening for a week, beginning tomorrow. The band made a big hit at the Orpheum last
winter, and Kansas City people did not hear half enough of it, although the theater was literally packed at nearly every performance.
The Fairmount engagement will give everybody ample opportunity to hear the famous boy musicians. Seats to
accommodate 5,000 people have been erected in front of the new band stand at the park and the electric line has arranged to give a two-minute service to and from the park. The concerts will be absolutely free for the first time since the band has been in this country.
Forty Hungarian boys compose the Knaben Kapelle, and the band is now making a brief tour of the large cities of
the United States by special permission of Kaiser Franz Josef. They are greeted by large crowd and tremendous enthusiasm everywhere.