Related Resources
1. The Republic of Mucsi (1946-1948) translated by Henry Fischer
2. Mucsi web page by several people
3. Donauschwaben History
4. Hungary's Ethnic German Farmers around 1800. Part 1: Their Homes by
Felix G. Game
5. Hungary's Ethnic German Farmers around 1800. Part 2: Their Economy by
Felix G. Game
6. Books in German about Mucsi
Hambuch, Wendelin. Mutsching, Mucsi: Geschichte und Gesellschaft einer
ehemaligen fuldischen Gemeinde in Ungarn. 1988, Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó.
405 pages and pictures. (Ungarndeutsche Ortschaften, 1) ISBN: 963-18-1280-4.
Standort/Library: Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund.
Hambuch, Wendelin, Karl Manherz.
Beiträge zur
Volkskunde der fuldischen Gemeinde Mutsching, Mucsi in der Schwäbischen Türkei.
[E: Contributions on the culture of the Fulda community in Swabian Turkey.]
1989, Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó. 241 pages. (Publikation des Demokratischen
Verbandes der Ungarndeutschen, 5). ISBN: 963-18-1350-9 / 963-18-1351-7. Library/Standort:
Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund.
7. The Fulda Dialect used in Mucsi
Gommermann, Andreas, "Hungarian and American Borrowings in a Twice
Transplanted Fulda Dialect" in Languages in Conflict: Linguistic
Acculturation on the Great Plains. Paul Schach, ed., Lincoln and London:
University of Nebraska Press, 1980.
8. Mucsi Family Club of Milwaukee
Mucsi Family Club
N25 W27024 Lauren Ct.
Pewaukee, WI 53072
9. Local History of Zavod in Tolna by
Anton Mayer has several references and names of the early settlers in Mucsi. The
text was graciously translated by Henry Fischer and appears on the Early History
10. Oberhessische Siedlungsmundart in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA,
Tochtermundart einer in Mucsi (Ingarn) gesprochenen fuldischen Siedlungsmund art
by Andreas Gommermann. Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1975. This dissertation was written on the dialect of
Mucsi spoken in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is basically pure “Mutschingerisch,” and the work includes a
chapter on the Hungarian and English influences on the vocabulary.