Anne Dreer,
Recipe Coordinator
As a young second World War refugee child from Croatia I lived
in Austria and Germany. When I was about thirteen in Germany I
became very interested in the the weekly recipes on our ‘tear
off’ wall calendar.
Living in extreme poverty I of course had no chance
to try out those recipes. I never the less collected
and saved them. I still have some of them. When I
was fifteen my mother was hospitalized and I
had to ‘keep house’ for
my three brothers. My father had already
emigrated to Canada. It was during
advent and on a
very tight budget I
tried out some cookie recipes. I also had to cook
our meals. Often there was only Süsskraut (without
meat) and bread (without butter)
for lunch or boiled rice for
supper. ~Anne Dreer |
Rose Vetter, Editorial
Coordinator When it comes to cooking, my mother was my greatest
source of inspiration. Having lost her mother
at the tender age of two years, she grew up
being abused at the hands of her stepmother.
When Rosa was barely twelve years old, she was
taken to the city of Neusatz to work as a maid.
There, under the strict tutelage of her
“Herreleit” employers, she became an excellent
cook - and never looked back. Mother cooked with a passion and took great pride in
her cooking. She was a perfectionist, always
maintaining that food
should not only taste good, but look appetizing
as well; also, one should never stray far from
the stove while cooking. Her strudels were
masterpieces and have become legendary among our
family and friends. I have fond memories of
helping mom pull out the paper-thin strudel
dough, each one of us on opposite sides of the
table, being careful not to make any holes.
During the post-war years, when, as refugees, we
lived on various farms in Germany, mom would
naturally help out in the kitchen. She would
introduce Danube Swabian dishes; and when there
was little else left to eat, there were always
ingredients at hand to make a simple
Einbrennsupp, which became a great favourite of
our host families. ~Rose Vetter |
Your Donauschwaben Family

The Main
Dish |
Submitter |
Date |
Bacon & Bread (Speck und Brot) |
Keller Hughes, Rose Mary |
2005-Dec-8 |
Bacon, Rice, Potato Casserole |
Buza, Margaret |
2005-Nov-23 |
Summer Cottage Cheese Lunch |
Dreer, Anne |
2015-Jun-1 |
Djuwetsch (Djoo-vetch) with Pork – Serbian: Djuveč |
Vetter, Rose |
2007-Jan-13 |
Goulash |
Dreer, Anne |
2006-Mar-16 |
Goulash "over an open fire" |
McKim Pharr, Jody |
2005-Aug-14 |
Goulash & Dumplings |
Bajorek, Judy |
2006-Mar-16 |
Goulash & Dumplings |
Hussli, Andrea |
2006-Mar-16 |
McKenna, Linda Bautz |
2014-Oct-22 |
(Potatoes & Noodles) |
Dreer, Anne |
2011-Feb-10 |
Gypsy Bacon Cookout |
Spande, Alice |
2006-Nov-3 |
Ham in
Crust – Schunke in Kruscht (Shoon-keh in Kroosht)/Schinken in Krust |
Young, Mary Ann |
2009-Oct-30 |
Joe Keller's Homemade Sausage
(Semlak) |
Keller Hughes, Rose Mary |
2006-Nov-2 |
with Beef |
Leto, Tina |
2007-Jan-7 |
Krumpiere un’ Kned’l (Kroom-pie-reh oon K’nay-d’l) –
Potatoes & Dumplings |
Buza, Margaret |
2005-Nov-23 |
Never-Fail Perogies – Typical Ukrainian Dish |
Leeb, Alex |
2003-Oct-19 |
Oma’s Hendlpaprikasch (Haynd’l-pup-ri-kawsh) –
Chicken Stew |
Linz, Hermi |
Pigs' Knuckles with Sauerkraut |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-24 |
Pork Hocks with Sauerkraut |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-24 |
Potatoes and Noodles – Grumbiere un’ Nudle
(Groom-bee-reh oon Nood-le) |
Schaeffer, Barbara |
2012-Nov-25 |
(Sawl-trawsh) |
Kopp, Hans |
2012-Nov-27 |
Sarma - Stuffed Cabbage with Pork and Beef |
Buza, Margaret |
2009-Sep-27 |
Dreer, Anne |
2014-Oct-22 |
Sauerbraten (Sow-er-braw-ten) – Marinated Beef Roast
- From Germany |
Giesse, Noelle |
2010-Dec-31 |
Sauerkraut with Einbrenn – A Different Version |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-22 |
Bratwurst, Leberwurst & Schwartelmagen (Shvawr-tel-maw-g’n) |
Tullius, Nick |
Wiener Schnitzel |
Brown, Eve |
2013-Feb-3 |

Soup |
Submitter |
Date |
Bean Soup – Bohnensuppe |
Grega, Greog |
2006-Oct-26 |
and Noodles – Bohnen und Nudeln |
Tolfree, Beth |
2005-Nov-29 |
McKenna, Linda Bautz |
2014-Oct-22 |
Einbrennsuppe – Einbrennsupp (Eyn-brenn-soopp) |
Engel, Roy |
2008-Aug-21 |
Einbrennsupp |
Charaus, Brigitte |
2006-Sep-28 |
Hungarian Beef Soup
(Batcshka) |
Meyer, June |
2011-Aug-16 |
Ing’macht’s (In-g’machts) ‘ch’ as in the Scottisch
”loch”) - Eingemachte Suppe |
Buza, Margaret |
2004-Dec-10 |
Kohlrabi (German Turnip) Soup |
Ilona Sümegi Hegyi |
2012-Nov-27 |
Liver Dumpling Soup (Leberknödelsuppe) |
Schaeffer, Barbara |
2012-Nov-28 |
Sunday Chicken Soup (Batschka) |
Meyer, June |
2011-Aug-16 |
Saure Grumbiere (Sow-reh Groomm-bee-reh (a type of
soup) |
Dreer, Anne |
2007-Sep-10 |

Noodles & Pancakes |
Submitter |
Date |
Dumplings for Sauerbraten
- from Germany |
Giesse, Noelle |
2010-Dec-31 |
Goulash Dumplings – Knedl (K’nayd’l) - Knödel |
Wilson, Eileen |
2006-Mar-16 |
Grumbeerekiechle (Groomm-bay-reh-keech-leh) –Potato
Pancakes |
Tullius, Nick |
2012-Jul-2 |
Palatschinken (Paw-la-tshin-ken) – German
Pancakes/Crepes |
Brown, Eve |
2007-Oct-4 |
Kaiserschmarren (Ky-zer-shmaw-reh) – Emperor’s
Pancake |
Offen, Judy Becker |
2006-Mar-6 |
Peckmespelschterli (Peck-mess-pel-shter-lee) – Jam
Pillows |
Dreer, Anne |
2007-Nov-7 |
Plum and Apricot Dumplings |
Giesse, Noelle |
2005-Nov-21 |
My Mom’s Schmarre (Shmaw-reh) |
Joe Kurzweil |
2011-Feb-19 |
Schmorra |
Keller Hughes, Rose Mary |
2009-Oct-29 |
Schupfknödel (Shoopf-k’nee-d’l) or Schuppnudel –
Potato Dumplings |
Brown, Eve |
2005-Nov-23 |
Short Seminar on Donauschwaben Pasta |
Dreer, Anne |
2011-Feb-19 |
(Shpetz-leh), or Löffelknödel (Leff’l-k’nay-d’l) –
Dumplings |
Tolfree, Beth |
2011-Nov-14 |
Zwetschenknödel – Kwetscheknedl (Kve-tshe-k’nay-d’l)
– Plum Dumplings |
Brown, Eve |
2005-Nov-21 |
Zwetschkenknödell (Plum Dumplings) |
Leeb, Alex |
2005-Nov-21 |

Sides |
Submitter |
Date |
Cabbage Salad |
McKim, Jody |
2006-Jun-28 |
Cucumber Salad – Umarkesalat (Oo-mar-keh-saw-lawt) |
McKim, Jody |
2009-Jun-21 |
Dill Pickles (sun fermented) |
Leeb, Alex |
2005-Dec-2 |
Grandma’s Kohlrabi |
Regan, Mary |
2012-Nov-27 |
Gurken – Sun-fermented Pickles |
Ingrisch, Lizzi |
2005-Dec-4 |
Hungarian Green Beans |
Buza, Margaret |
2007-Mar-18 |
Kirpse-Zuspeis (Keerp-seh-tsoo-shpice) – Squash
vegetable |
Vetter, Rose |
2008-Aug-12 |
Kohlrabi Zuspeis |
Vetter, Rose |
2012-Nov-27 |
(Le-tcho) – Vegetable Ragout |
Meyer, June |
2005-Jan-15 |
My grandmother’s Kohlrabi |
Herrmann, Rainer |
2012-Nov-27 |
Open Crock Dill Pickles |
Hale, Larry |
2005-Dec-5 |
Scharfe Grumbiere (Shawr-feh Groomm-bee-reh) – Spicy
Potatoes |
Dreer, Anne |
2007-Sep-10 |

Sauce |

Strudel |

Baking |
Submitter |
Date |
Bäckerkipfel (salt & caraway seed) |
Dreer, Anne |
2006-Nov-30 |
Baking Bread |
Dreer, Anne |
2006-Aug-6 |
Baking the Bread |
Keller Hughes, Rose Mary |
2005-May-5 |
Derri Kiechle (Derri Keech-leh) – (with photos) |
Brown, Eve |
2005-Nov-21 |
Bread – Osterbrot (Oas-ter-broat) |
Dreer, Anne |
2008-Mar-1 |
Everlasting Yeast |
Leeb, Alex |
2005-May-14 |
Gangene Zuckerkichl (Gawn-ge-neh
Tsoo-cker-kee-ch’l) – Sugar Squares |
Willand, Thomas |
2007-Mar-7 |
Kipfel |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-30 |
Kipfel (Photo Demonstration) |
Willand, Thomas |
2006-Nov-30 |
Krammel-Pogatschen (Kraw-mel-po-gaw-tsh’n) |
Jobba, Rudy |
2009-Sep-30 |
Krautburgers or Pierogs – Typical Russian dish |
Hale, Larry |
2005-Nov-18 |
- Crispy Fried Dough |
McKim Pharr, Jody |
2005-Aug-9 |
Poppy Seed Bread/Strudel |
Ott, Leah |
2010-Sep-20 |
Poppy Seed
or Walnut Strudel |
Psotka, Joseph |
2012-Jun-20 |
Schmerkipfel (Shmare-kip-fel) – Danish Pastry |
Dreer, Anne |
2008-Mar-1 |
Salzkipfel – Salt Crescents |
Vetter, Rose |
2006-Nov-30 |
Traditional Egerländer Weihnachtsstollen – Christmas
Stollen from Bohemia |
Kraus, Aida |
2007-Dec-07 |
Wasserkipfel/Brunnenkipfel – Well Crescents |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-30 |

Dessert |
Submitter |
Date |
Wilson, Barbara |
2007-May-11 |
Apfelpite (Up-fel-pit-teh)
- Apple Slice |
Vetter, Rose |
2007-Jan-3 |
Bear Claws (Bärenpratzen)
(Bay-ren-pra-ts’n) |
Dreer, Anne |
2010-Sep-21 |
Butter Kipfel |
Buza, Margaret |
2006-Nov-30 |
Fallschirme –
Parachute Cookies |
Showley, Daniela |
2012-Oct-30 |
Kalter Hund
(Cold Dog) |
Gunther-Wolf, Brigitte |
2011-Feb-2 |
Kleikgeviht or
Gleichgewicht (Glych-geh-veecht)
- Pound Cake |
Dreer, Anne |
2012-Jun-10 |
Kossuth (Ko-shoot)
Kipfel |
Keller-Hughes, Rose Mary |
2007-Jan-13 |
Krempitte or Napoleons (Cream
Pastry) |
Psotka, Joe |
2011-Dec-20 |
Letzelder or
Lebkuchen Cookies |
Psotka, Joe |
2012-Oct-7 |
Macaroons/Batobrani Cookies |
Linz, Hermine |
2011-Jul-2 |
Mürber Teig & Käsekuchen – Short Crust and
Cheese Cake |
Keller-Hughes, Rose Mary |
2011-Feb-2 |
Muschkazone Cookies |
Meyer, June |
Muschkazone Cookies |
Tolfree, Beth |
2006-Jan-10 |
Muschkazone Cookie
Cutter Pictures |
Various |
2005-Nov-28 |
Muschkazone Cookie |
Hussli, Andrea |
2006-Mar-21 |
Nusse Stangl (Nooss-shtawn-g’l)
– Nut meringue bars |
Brown, Eve |
2005-Dec-10 |
Nuss Stangl - Nut Bars |
Reiner, Helen |
2005-Dec-11 |
Nuss Pusserl (Nut Crescents) |
Leeb, Alex |
2006-Nov-30 |
Pfeffernüsse (Pfef-fer-nüs-se) Cookies |
Hale, Larry |
2005-Nov-20 |
Obliganza for Christmas
(Cookies) |
Keller-Hughes, Rose Mary |
2011-Feb-2 |
– Rice Soufflé |
Weimar, Sylvia |
2007-Mar-4 |
Schaumrollen/Schillerlocken (Showm-rol-len) –
Cream Rolls |
Dreer, Anne |
2007-Dec-31 |
Vanilla Sugar |
Stemper, Lucia |
2006-Aug-31 |
Vanille Krenzle (Cookies) |
Dreer, Anne |
2011-Dec-13 |
Vogelmilch (Foa-g’l-milch) or Schneenockerl -
Bird’s Milk/Snow Dumplings |
Stemper, L; Lambing, D |
2006-Aug-31 |

Memoirs |

Cookbooks & Links |